Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Proverbs 2:3: Stand up and shout!

“yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding,”
-Proverbs 2:3

There is a difference between believing in something and speaking out for it.

I was in a certain class of about twenty people a few years ago, and most of the people there (including the professor) were diametrically opposed to pretty much everything I believed in. They would pretty much spend the whole class period bashing Christianity and men and morality and the like. Now, you’ve probably guessed that I’m not terribly shy about voicing my beliefs, and I did.

In pretty much every class was I ridiculed, mocked, and even threatened, simply because I stood up for my beliefs. The professor, at times, even joined in.

I passed the class, so I’m not really worried about it.

But I found it rather funny that I would have a couple of people every class come up to me later and tell me that they agreed with what I said. I didn’t press them too hard on the topic, but I always wondered why they had just sat there while their beliefs were being trampled like that. But they did just that.

In truth, we all do it sometimes. It is one thing to believe in Jesus, but when you are around people who are mocking Him, do you say anything? Do you sit there quietly? Do you even laugh with them, so you won’t stand out?

The previous verse we looked at spoke of our hearts and minds. But this verse asks us to take our beliefs and turn them into action. I believe it is actually advocating two kinds of actions here. The first is to call out to God. Pray, sing, shout praises! Talk to Him. James 1:5 tells us this: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” God responds when we speak to Him.

But we can call out for insight in another way, by speaking to others. We are told to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Surely we have much to talk about. We were all sinners, rightfully condemned to death for our greed, lust, pride, and hatred. But even while we were sinners, opposed to God, Jesus came to die for us. He took our sin and gave us His righteousness. In repentance then, we have life. Surely this is worth singing! Surely we should be praising God in every breath and telling everyone the good news! Do not worry what you will say, because the Holy Spirit will guide you, but speak of this, for Christ Jesus is worthy.

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