Thursday, April 8, 2010

Desire and commandment

“[The commandment is a light] to preserve you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the adulteress.”
-Proverbs 6:24

When it comes to sex, it seems that more and more people are using the DESIRE as justification for the ACT. When asked why its okay to be in a homosexual relationship, or to sleep around outside of marriage, or to have an affair, or to have multiple partners, people will use a lot of reasons, mostly based on desire – “That’s the way I am,” “You can’t choose who you will love,” “God made me like this,” “I can’t help it,” etc.

I have read on many occasions testimonies from people who grew up in conservative churches who reject the biblical teachings on sex because they like it, or their desires are pulling them in some direction. They reject all those old “rules” because their desires are telling them something else.

Of course this doesn’t work in any other area of life. Everyone agrees that there should be laws against rape and murder, no matter what the criminal’s desires are. We think there is a difference here because there doesn’t seem to be a victim.

Whether or not there is a victim, this one thing should become very clear to us – not all desires are for the good. I can’t help but to think of that truth when someone else tells me that what they are doing must be right because they “love” that other person. Surely God wouldn’t condemn love, right?

Desires are not the best judge of right and wrong. Just because my heart is telling me something doesn’t mean it’s okay. Frankly, the definition that God gives for what is right is a bit different. God tells us that we should love Him above all others. Anything less than that is sin. So we should be looking to God’s Word for guidance on our relationships before we look to our own hearts. The “God wouldn’t condemn love” line isn’t going to work with Him when your love has only been toward your own desires.

Here is the truth of it – God gives us guidance in His rules. He didn’t make them because he’s a sourpuss who needs to lighten up. He didn’t give them to a particular culture and then forget about them today. He gave them to us for our benefit for all time.

The Law is established to convict us of our sin, to drive us repentant to the Cross, where we can obtain the forgiveness of our sins by the Blood of Jesus. He uses it to point us to the greatest good in all of the universe – Himself. We take it and make excuses. “I know the Bible says that, but we live in a different culture, and that was really for a certain people at a certain time, and the Greek word means something different, and Paul wasn’t really inspired at that point anyway.”

In the end, those are excuses, and they will not get you through the Day of Judgment.

Turn away from sinful sex. Sex between a man and his wife was made by God to be enjoyed, but do not take what God has given and drag it through the mud of your own uncontrolled desires. Look to Him for your satisfaction. Look to the Cross for your salvation. In Him you will not be disappointed.

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