Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Watch your mouth!

“if you are snared in the words of your mouth, caught in the words of your mouth,”
-Proverbs 6:2

My mouth gets me into trouble quite a bit. There have been quite a few times when I have inadvertently insulted someone. On a few occasions, it was quite on purpose. There have also been times when I told someone I would do something, to help in someway, or to make some purchase, that I regretted later. But I had already agreed, so what could I do?

The first verse of this chapter warns us against getting caught up too much into debt. Many people connect these two verses, saying this one speaks to your word when entering into that debt or becoming a cosigner for another.

There is certainly that aspect. We’ve probably all gotten into sticky financial situations simply because we spoke to hastily at some point. I recall quitting one job too hastily (as in, before I had secured another), and I was left unemployed for a few months.

But those are not the only situations we can get into with a hasty word. We have made promises before that we shouldn’t have made. We have told people things and turned out to be wrong. We have insulted one another out of anger and pride.

James, in his letter, spends more time on the tongue than any other topic. He goes as far as to say that if someone is perfect in what he says, then surely the rest of him will be perfect too (3:2). It’s a safe bet, because we’ve all stumbled in lies, gossip, and insult. We have all sinned in those areas.

The next verse will give a good plan of action – go to the person you wronged in this way and pled with them. If you insult someone, go apologize. If you have made a bad decision, go to the person involved and explain what is going on.

Confess what has happened, in other words. Sometimes it may work out. Other times it will not. But do not be so prideful as to stand by every flippant remark. Go make it right.

When we sin, the one we most wrong is God. He has created us, given us all things, and provided for us. And yet we insult Him in sin by turning away from Him, but rejecting Him. Every sin is a rebellion against God.

Verse three works well in this case too. In sin we have offended God. Go and speak with Him. Repent upon your knees. Throw yourself on His mercy. He is faithful to forgive.

It was Jesus who made this possible. We cannot make up for our sins. We cannot just pay a fine and get out of them. But on the Cross, Jesus took our sins upon Himself and paid the price for them. When we repent, God accepts the price Jesus paid on our account. Jesus also clothes us in His righteousness so we will be seen as sinless before a holy and just God.

Go to Him in repentance. Do not stand pridefully by your sins, but go to Him. By the Blood of Jesus, it will be made right.

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