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Can you tweet the Gospel?
Maybe we should give it a try. You know, we tell everyone about our dental appointments on Facebook and Twitter, we talk about our latest accomplishments on Gang Wars, we complain about work, we flirt, we converse, and most of us never mention the one who saved us from our sins.
So here’s the idea. On December 24 (Christmas Eve), we post the Gospel. It will only take a minute. You can do it while your spouse is in the shower, while dinner is being cooked, whenever. Whenever you have a minute, post it. If you have a minute later in the day, post it again. How many friends do you have on these sites? That’s potentially how many people will read the Gospel this Christmas.
That simple? Pretty much, but there are a couple of things you can do to help spread the word.
1) TELL YOUR CHRISTIAN FRIENDS ABOUT IT. Use that same Facebook or Twitter account to spread the news about this effort. What I plan to do is to put a link to this post up with a brief explanation of what is going to happen. “Join us in Tweeting the Gospel Dec 24. Click for details.” It could be that simple.
2) KEEP TELLING YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. Repeat the post, send messages, remind them of the date. A lot of us will want to participate, but will forget during the Christmas rush.
3) MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE GOSPEL. Do you know why we need a Savior? Do you know why Jesus died on the Cross? Do you know why it is important to repent and believe?
Jesus didn’t come to earth to make you rich. He didn’t come to fix your marriage. He didn’t come to give you purpose. He came to solve a terrible problem. The problem is that God is just, good, and righteous. And you aren’t.
We so often compare ourselves with those around us and assume we’re doing okay. There are murderers and thieves out there, and at least you’re not like that. You think of yourself as a good person. You aren’t too worried about the judgment of God, because God is good, and so you think that He’ll see that you’re okay as well.
Or maybe you’re active in the community or the church, and you see yourself as very spiritual and righteous. You do all of the right things, and you believe God will reward you for that.
Or maybe you’ll admit that you’ve made some mistakes, but you’ve always heard that God is good and loving, and so you think you’ll be alright.
Well, God is loving, and He is good. But you are not, and He’s going to have to do something about you.
God’s standard is not like ours. He is righteous and holy, and no sin is acceptable in His sight. He does not grade on a curve. He will judge us even by our thoughts.
Think about that. Maybe outwardly you’re better than average, but what are your thoughts like? Are they filled with blasphemy, lust, pride, greed, selfishness, hatred, and covetousness? What is God going to think of that?
If an admitted murderer tells his judge, “Judge, you are a good man, so I believe you are going to let me go free,” what would the judge say? If the judge IS a good judge, then he’s going to punish the murderer. Why do you think that God, in His goodness, will ignore your crimes against Him? In truth, we have offended God in our sins, and we continue to do so.
But God is a forgiving God, and He is a loving God. He desires to restore our relationship with Himself, but He must first deal with our sin. That is why Jesus came to die. Jesus took our place in death so that we may live. Jesus took our punishment for our sins so we would not have to suffer that punishment.
It is not something we can earn. We’ve already failed to earn salvation. But God, in His love, gives us life freely.
It is not for everyone. In our sin we are rebelling against God. Some people, continuing in that rebellion, reject Jesus and continue to rely on themselves. They do not recognize that they need a savior, or they look to some false god to save them rather than Jesus.
For some, however, the understanding of their own sin burdens their hearts, and they understand too well that they need someone to save them. They see that they cannot make it alone. For those people, God offers the forgiveness of sin through repentance and belief in Jesus.
This is our only way to eternal life. Jesus did not die to simply create another possible way to heaven. He did it because it is the only way. We all owe a price, and He paid that price for us.
Now, all of that is a little long for Twitter. No worries – we have about a month before Christmas to get some options. We’re going to be updating this post in the next month with some possible tweets that we can use when the day comes. If you have ideas, please post them as comments below. (I am moderating the comments, of course, for those of you who want to slip in another gospel.)
Come back soon for some updates. In the meantime, please be praying for this day, that God will use it for His glory and to advance His kingdom. God bless!
UPDATES: Gospel presentations under 140 characters!
God is good. You aren’t. But in love He sent His Son to die in your place. If you repent and believe in Him, you will be saved!
What is in your heart? Is it lust, pride, & hatred? In love, Jesus came to die for those sins. Repent and believe to be saved!