Friday, September 18, 2009

Forgetting these words

“Let them [my words] not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart.”
-Proverbs 4:21

It surprises me, going through Proverbs verse-by-verse, how much of this book is simply a plea for us to remember these words. Over and over again Solomon has asked his son (and us) to remember, to hold these words in our hearts.

In truth, we are very quick to forget what the Bible tells us. We are so fast to go about our way into the world without thinking about it at all.

It’s almost like when you go to the store for one thing, and you leave with ten things, but had forgotten the very thing that you went to the store to get. We get so distracted with the lesser things of the day that we forget what God has told us was important.

Or we just don’t care, which happens far too often. We figure that we know the important part, but the rest of it is just a little dull.

Whatever the reason, it is all idolatry. It is putting something else before God, the One who created you. It is having a god before Him.

You may be surprised that I use such stern language to describe something so mundane as failing to read and remember the Word of God. Most of the population is NOT reading the Word today, or even this week. Does this particular problem (for most wouldn’t even consider it a sin) really require such harsh language?

Yes, it does. And don’t misunderstand. I’m not advocating some sort of legalism here where you are required to read so much of the Word every day. That’s not the problem. The problem is putting other stuff before God. The problem is making Him the last priority of your day, behind work, family, the news, and surfing the internet. That’s the issue here.

What else would you call it when someone ignores the instruction of the God who created the world and everything in it so he can watch a football game? Isn’t that putting something before God? That is idolatry. What else would you call it when someone decides that his time is better spent in his own pursuits than in seeking after God?

If you believe that the Bible’s claims are true, then how could anything be more important? How could anything come in the way of seeking God’s perfect Word out at every opportunity. And if you don’t believe its claims, then let your soul tremble, for you cannot say what lies beyond the grave, and what Judgment awaits you there. God is a jealous God, and He does not allow those who seek after their own lust, pride, anger, and hatred to darken His Heaven with their sin.

In truth, without this Word, we would have no assurance for the life to come. It’s not that the book saves us, but it points us to the One who does.

Perhaps we could try to be good people, but that would not make up for all the evil in our thoughts, words, and actions. Perhaps we can just hope that there is no God, but that will be no excuse when we face Him on the day of judgment. Perhaps we can say, “Oh, God is good, so He will let me into Heaven,” as though any good God could fail to punish sin.

But if the words of this Book are true, then we have hope. It is not a hope in ourselves, but a hope in the only Son of God, who though He was perfect took the punishment for our sins upon Himself when He died on the Cross. In Jesus we have hope, because he paid the price for us. If we repent and believe, we will be granted life. So says these Words.

Remember that, and keep it close to your heart. There is nothing more important.

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