Monday, August 24, 2009

Let me tell you about my bruised shins!

“When you walk, your step will not be hampered, and if you run, you will not stumble.”
-Proverbs 4:12

You ever have those days you just wish you could take back? Said something you wish you could erase? Did something you wish everyone would forget?

At the time, it really seems important that you say that line that just popped into your head. At the time, it seems so important that it be said. That would just make your point and vindicate you.

Then, later, you’re thinking, “Wow. Shouldn’t have said that.”

Sometimes anger, lust, or pride just overcomes us. It clouds our thoughts and tells us things that just aren’t true. All those stupid things I’ve said – most of the time I thought they were brilliant before I said them. The hurtful things we do – we don’t very often admit to ourselves that someone will get hurt over it.

I had one of those days yesterday. The problem is fixed now, forgiveness given by all sides, but I’m still kicking myself over it. You know what? I have one of those moments at least once a week. It really seems like I’m always kicking myself over something.

I would so very much like the life described in this verse, one where I would not stumble. And it’s easy enough to just say, “Just don’t do that, ding-dong head!” But the trouble is, if I knew it was stupid when I did it, I probably wouldn’t have done it.

The problem with almost every religion is that it says there is something in you that can fix it. It tells you to just do better. Be good, and God will like you. The self-help gurus tell you the same thing – reach within yourself and achieve!

And I tell you what, it’s not there. You tell me to reach inside myself to overcome by pride, anger, and lust, but all I find within is more of that stuff.

A lot of Christians will take this verse out of context and tell you to work hard so you won’t stumble. But what is great about this verse is that it’s not like that at all. Take a look at what’s being said around it. It takes about the gifts wisdom will GIVE you. It is talking about the way that is TAUGHT to you.

In other words, this is something external, not internal.

The Christian life is not about working harder and going farther and having your best life now. It’s about confessing, repenting, and accepting Grace. We cannot earn God’s favor. We mess up too often and too badly to impress a perfect and just God. But Jesus can, and He did. He lived a perfect life and died in our place for the forgiveness of our sins. He died, so that we may live. By His Blood we are washed and made new.

That is the wisdom Solomon is talking about.

When we confess our sins and believe in Him, His Spirit will come to indwell us, and that Spirit’s lead will keep us from stumbling.

That is also the wisdom Solomon is talking about.

The Spirit of God teaches us and guides us. He moves us in the ways to righteousness. I don’t always listen, and I put my foot in my mouth like I did yesterday. But the Blood of Christ does not fail there either. I can mess up, but I will still be judged by His righteousness. It’s like I never stumbled at all.

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