Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Proverbs 2:19: Too late . . .

“none who go to her come back, nor do they regain the paths of life.”
-Proverbs 2:19

There is a time when it becomes too late. For some, I suppose, it could be death. But for others, it is when there is so much sin in your life that there is no way for you even to repent.

What I’m going to say here is very controversial, and unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of room here to go over it. I’m going to do my best. Please forgive me if I fall short here.

Have you ever known someone who just seemed to be stuck in a certain sin, as though they had given their whole life over to that sin? Maybe it is anger, and there just isn’t just left to them except anger. Maybe it is grumbling and complaining. Maybe it is sexual sin, where it seems like that’s all they are is the sexual sin.

Maybe that’s what’s going on. They aren’t anything more than the sin.

I believe that the Bible teaches that there are people who go so far into sin that they cannot get back out again. Hebrews 12: 17 tells us that Esau was not able to even repent of his sin. The context here is that the writer of Hebrews is warning against sin. Avoid sin at all costs, he says, because sin can lead to defilement like in Esau:

For you know that afterward, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no chance to repent, though he sought it with tears.

Paul tells us about those who turn away from God in Romans 1. Three times he tells us that God gave those people over to their sin (verses 24, 26, and 28).

Sin has a corrupting quality to it. You usually cannot just sin once. Most sins lead to bigger ones. Looking at revealing ads in a newspaper will sometimes lead a man to more revealing internet pictures, and then hardcore pornography. Shoplifting a candy bar may turn lead to larger thefts done more often. After years of faithfulness a man may cheat on his wife once, but after that, it’s not as big of a deal. Sin grows, infects, and starts to taint every part of your life. If you open the door, it’s going to come in and open the windows too.

I have heard many people tell me, “Oh, I’ll probably start seeking God when I’m older.” I understand what they are saying. They don’t want to be tied down by religion. They want to have fun.

But just like the alcoholic who refuses to admit he has a drinking problem, the people of this world have trouble seeing how enslaved they are to sin.

Is there something in your life that is like this? Is there something that started out as a small thrill, and now it has control of you? What do you spend your time, money, and effort on? What is it in this world that controls you?

I plead with you; do not wait for tomorrow. Do not even wait for later today. Address the issue of God now, today. Because if you go too far down that road, you won’t be able to regain the path of life.

There is a way out. These sins of ours have to be put to death. Only blood can get rid of them. But Jesus, the Son of God, died for us. He took our sins upon Himself and died. He is our way back to life.

Repent of those sins in your life. Repent while you can. And then follow Him. He alone can free you from whatever it is that enslaves you.

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