Friday, February 13, 2009

Proverbs 2:15: The great Ruler in the sky (pun intended)

[God will deliver your from] “men whose paths are crooked, and who are devious in their ways.”
-Proverbs 2:15

How do we know if a line is crooked? It’s obvious, you may say! If it’s curved one way or another, then it’s crooked. And what if the curve is very subtle? Then you may need a ruler to judge.

Let us turn the question to one that is often asked in these times. “What is normal?” What is right, for what is right for you may not be right for me?

When we judge ourselves by the people around us, it is like measuring a crooked line by a crooked ruler. What is straight? We cannot say for sure. And if we cannot say what is straight, then how can we know if something is crooked?

That is the problem in today’s moral climate. How can we know if we are doing right when we judge ourselves by our neighbor who is acting the same way as we are? If the blind lead the blind, as Jesus said, both will fall into the pit.

I’ve heard it a thousand times in moral debates. One person may say, “This behavior is wrong,” and the other person will counter, “And you’re any better?”

And the second guy has a point. If I’m going to try to help my brother with the speck in his eye, I need to first take care of the log in my own.

But all of this leaves us in a bad place. If everyone is walking a crooked path, then how can we even know what a straight path looks like?


When God tells us He will save us from men whose paths are crooked, He is telling us that He will place us on a path that is straight. You see, while we are looking at a bunch of crooked lines and trying to figure out what a straight on looks like, God has the ruler to help.

He sent Jesus Christ to earth to walk the straight path for us, and He is our example to follow. But that’s not enough, because my path is already crooked. Because I have so totally failed morally, I am not worthy of life. But that is why Jesus died. Though He was perfect, He still died for me, taking the punishment I deserve.

If I repent of my crooked ways and confess Him as Savior, He will place me on His own straight path.

I once walked a crooked path. I was once devious in my ways. Jesus took those sins away from me and gave me His righteousness. Now I am saved from that path, and I will not find the road’s end there, for that crooked road only leads to death. God has saved me from that fate, and He can save you too if you will repent and follow Him.

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