Monday, January 12, 2009

Proverbs 2:5: The meaning of the word “awful”

“then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.”
-Proverbs 2:5

Did you fear your parents? I did, for sure. Yes, I loved them. Absolutely. Yes, they were very good to me. I don’t even want to suggest that they did anything wrong in their raising of me, because they didn’t. We didn’t always see eye-to-eye, but what snot-nosed kid who thinks he knows everything ever sees eye-to-eye with his parents.

But despite all the things they did right (and perhaps BECAUSE of them), I still feared them. We live in a time when so many parents are trying to be friends to their children, so maybe this isn’t as universal as I hope, but it certainly wasn’t a bad thing.

Why did I fear them? Because they have control over my life and could make me do pretty much anything they pleased. They could punish me when I did wrong. Most of the time, I tried to follow their rules because of that fear. I didn’t want to displease them because I wanted to keep TV rights!

And if I was punished and wanted mercy, then I really came to them in fear!

I was listening to a podcast the other day that was talking about the fear of the Lord, and I got frustrated as he tried to explain that “fear” was not a good word here. We’re not supposed to “fear” God, this person said, but it’s really just sort of a respect.

Respectfully, that’s hooey.

We are supposed to fear Him, though it is not a fear like we would fear a robber or a tyrant. It’s an awe that tells us, without doubt, that God should be obeyed.

At one time, the word “awful” meant something different than it does today. It meant, literally, “full of awe.” “Awe” is what you get when you are just floors with a sense of majesty, respect, reverence, and fear for something.

God’s like that. When you encounter Him (and I mean truly encounter Him, not just have the sense that God is out there somewhere), you will understand that He has total and complete control over your life. You will find Him awful in the original sense of the word. You will fear Him.

Why? For the same reason I feared my parents. Because He has sovereignty over my life. Jesus says:

I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him!
-Luke 12:4-5

But take a look at our verse from Proverbs again. If you read back to the beginning of the chapter, you’ll find that this is God’s promise to those who obey Him. What? You mean to say that if I obey God then I’ll start fearing Him?

Yes. This is a REWARD.

See, I feared my parents in the way that I did because they were good parents. Some people fear their bad parents; I feared mine because they were good. They were just, powerful, and loving. I feared them, but I would not trade them for anything.

Our Heavenly Father should be feared, but not in a way you will regret. You will find Him just, which may frighten us, because we are lustful, prideful, hate-filled people. But you will also find great love and mercy. He is so loving that He sent His Son to us to die on the Cross for our sins. If we repent, then we will be washed clean.

A good father disciplines His children, but He does it for their good. So too will God discipline us to guide us on the right path. The path to life.

This is a wonderful gift, to know God as a father. Do not be fooled by the wisdom of the world that tells us that we are all “God’s children.” Only those who repent and come to Him in reverence, worship, and fear will be called His children (read 1 John 3 for more on this). Only those who obey. Repent to Him today, accept the sacrifice of Jesus, and ask for His mercy in fear and trembling. In this way will you find life.

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