Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Proverbs 1:22: Can of worms alert

[Wisdom says:] “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?”
-Proverbs 1:22

I have this can of worms here, and I’m tempted to open it. I’d really rather not, but when I read this verse, Evolution immediately came to mind. See, I’m working on a short series about Creation for my website, and I’m right in the middle of listening to a sermon series on Creation and Evolution by John MacArthur. In addition, the documentary on Intelligent Design, Expelled, just came out on DVD, and I’m anxious to get my hands on a copy. And so the topic is rather on my mind.

Thus the can of worms. I think I’ll go ahead and pop it open. Should be fun!

I thought of this topic when reading this particular verse because of the fierce passion some people have in clinging to this idea. To say even the smallest thing against Evolution will often bring such hatred and scorn. And yet, to believe that random chance brought everything together out of nothing is so astronomically unlikely that it requires more faith to believe in that than to believe in God. I like the way John MacArthur puts it, that simple logic will steer you away from any theory that claims that “nobody times nothing equals everything.”

Yet the desperation to remove God from the equation turns Evolution into a religion. And that is the only way to understand it. After all, if it is true, and chance alone made this universe, then what does it matter what I believe? And yet Naturalists will insult me, argue with me, and even call me names for my beliefs. Why? If they are right, then ultimately what does it matter if I believe in God?

Because they have turned from Him, and they do not want to be reminded of the truth.

Everywhere you turn in this world, you will see people celebrating their own lostness, bragging about their own impiety. You hear radio shows encouraging people to sin sexually, you see famous talk show hosts encouraging people into cults, you see parades celebrating godlessness, you hear of the scientific community automatically dismissing the words of anyone who believes in God, you hear Christianity rebuked by political leaders, you hear the Bible denies in pulpits; we are a land shrouded in darkness.

How long?

It is impossible that nobody times nothing equals everything. By the very sunrise is a Designer proven in every day. Surely you must see it. Do you hate knowledge so much that you can only see chance when you look around?

In this world shrouded in darkness, God Himself came to us in the form of a man to show us the way to truth. He is the truth; He is our salvation. In Christ we may be rescued from ignorance, pride, and simplicity. We can be set free by the truth.

I ask you to repent of your old ways and turn toward Him. By letting go of your own prideful thoughts and all the ways you have it figured out, you will find true freedom. In surrendering your life to Him, you will live for the first time.

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